The Power of Words: From St. Lucia to Neuchatel

Rosemary and her husband always encouraged their children to step outside of their comfort zone and seek adventure. They themselves are no strangers to broadening their horizons as they own two very successful restaurants in St. Lucia and have travelled all over the world. Her daughter and two older sons have studied abroad to enhance their academic education, as well as gain an appreciation for the world around them.
The youngest of all her children, Mark Antony, has always been more of a cautious individual who thrived academically and preferred solitude and close friendships with few friends over the company of many. However, this all changed due to a chance encounter Rosemary had with the parents of former NJC students.
One day, while Rosemary was managing her restaurant, she ended up speaking to a couple of patrons about their children and how NJC was such a transformative experience for them. Their children used to be quiet, reserved, and mostly dependent on parental assistance. However, after a year at Neuchatel, they returned as more independent, confident, and responsible young adults.
Inspired by the words of her patrons, Rosemary began to do her research on Neuchatel and pitched the idea to her son. As per his nature, Mark Antony was hesitant at first, but was moved by how passionately his mother spoke about NJC and at the idea of experiencing what this opportunity could offer. Further encouraged by his math teacher who offered to help him with his application, Mark Antony took the plunge, finished his application, and applied to Neuchatel.
He was anxious, but relieved once he has received news of his admission to the college. His excitement only began to mount as he received his welcome package filled with NJC swag and chocolate. Time seemed to move by much faster than before; Mark Antony spoke to the Pension Coordinator and everything about NJC seemed to be a good fit for him.
Before they had realized it, both Rosemary and Mark Antony were on their way overseas to Neuchatel where he would embark on his newest adventure. Since his arrival, Mark Antony has had a phenomenal time travelling, living with his pension family, and continuing to succeed in his studies. Mark Antony is slated to continue to pursue his post-secondary studies in the UK alongside his older brother.
Rosemary has already seen the changes in her son’s demeanour and is always happy to hear about his adventures (when he’s not too busy enjoying himself to let her know about them). All the sacrifices she and her husband have made have been well worth it as they witness their son flourishing into a bolder, wiser, and more independent version of himself. Thanks to a simple conversation, NJC has gained another bright student with an even brighter future!
Neuchâtel Junior College offers the unique opportunity to study Canadian curriculum abroad. While living in Switzerland in a French community, students enjoy an international education through travel and experiential learning in Europe. Gap year and Grade 12  high school students gain international experience and develop independence and life skills that prepare them for university and the global workplace.

A Canadian high school in Switzerland | Grade 12 & Gap